
Showing posts from April, 2012

Dream Fairy

Everyone has dreams....some are small and some are crazy big.  Some people dream of being famous, some of being a parent, some of graduating college, and some just dream of a better life than they one they have today. There are some who never see their dreams become reality, not because they dreamed too big, but because they gave up on the dream somewhere along the way. Maybe everyone needs a dream fairy.  A person who helps you remember what your dreams are, and helps you in every way they can to achieve them.  I personally know a dream fairy, her name is Laura and she dedicates her life to helping other people's dreams come to fruition.  She is helping friends achieve fame, success and self esteem, and she does so selflessly. I do not consider my dreams to be lofty.  I wanted to be the first person in my family with a doctorate degree.  I want a successful career in training and development. I want to be a person my family is proud of.  My dream fairy helped connect me to peo