
Showing posts from December, 2012

A moment of silence

I currently blogging from I don't know how many thousands of feet in the air.  Technology is so powerful that we are now able to work on an airplane.  This used to be my time to read a book for leisure or take a nap and now it is a time to catch up on work emails, and homework.  It's sad really. It has been awhile since I have had time to write to you all, the holidays and a hectic work schedule have made it so that I have had to take a little sabatical from my doctoral program in order to keep up with the ever active 15 month old.  It takes all that I have to keep up with my own world, much less the world around me. .......And then Sandy Hope.......and suddenly the world stands still for just a moment.  A tragedy that is unfathomable to a parent, or anyone really.  On that day I reevaluated priorites and realized that a moment of silence is needed everyday.  This moment of silence should be used to send loving thoughts to the person who frustrates you most, to mourn the lo