Immmmmmmmm Baaaaaccccckkkkkk

Wow! Nine months since my last post....I am such a slacker. For any of you just trying to do it all I am sure you are not surprised. Let's see.........what has happened in the last nine months of house is now empty besides the nuclear family, I have a precarious almost three year old, I got placed on a forced leave of absence with UOP because they cannot seem to get my schedule right, I got promoted at work, and I have been traveling like a mad woman. In the last nine months I have been to: Chicago, Ill (got to see my amazing Heather Dudley) Pismo Beach, CA (got to see my amazing Alexis Williams) Toronto (had to get a passport for that one) Palm Beach, Florida (twice) Palo Alto, CA (to visit with Apple) Scottsdale, AZ(to speak at a college) Providence, RI (nothing to report here) Roswell, GA (Ugh Georgia) Cape Cod, MA (that was a cool trip) Minneapolis, MN (somewhere in Middle America) Pelican Bay, FL (trained my first new tr...