
Showing posts from January, 2017

We are Intrepid

Have you ever seen the movie Elizabethtown? If you haven't I will wait, when you come back, you let me know......You're welcome. There is this profound line spoken in that movie.  A quote that has remained with me every single day.  We are intrepid.....we carry on.  Spoken by Sigourney Weaver there is nothing more penetrating to your soul. There is also no greater truth. No matter what happens, the poop smeared on the wall, the dirty dishes you can't quite get to, the countless heartaches, joys, troubles and precious are intrepid and we indeed carry on. I think of another scene in my other favorite movie, Garden State, where Zach Braff is sitting on this airplane and it is crashing. As the chaos is mounting he closes his eyes and just accepts. I feel like I am Zach Braff, sitting on my airplane of life as it is crashing around me and I have no choice but to close my eyes and accept...except that I call it trust. My last post wa