
Showing posts from September, 2015

Why I Keep up With my LinkedIn Page

I have a new job, which I came to through LinkedIn.  This is actually the fourth time I have been recruited from LinkedIn.  With this new job there is the perception that I would fall of the LinkedIn radar but this would have been a mistake. Below are five reasons why, even when you are happy in your current position, you should keep up with your LinkedIn presence: 1. You can never have too many relevant connections :  A network is an organic process that requires upkeep.  In my opinion you should always prune your network, keeping contacts relevant and pertinent to your industry or interests.  This may mean that you have many connections across multiple backgrounds, but they should be people who interest you.  Every connection brings something to your knowledge bank.  If you have connections that are not active in your journey, you should consider engaging them, or moving them to the back of your network. 2. You need to give as much as your receive (AKA. It isn't all about yo

More Hours in the Day

I need more hours in the day.  I know a lot of people say that, but I really do need them.  I have grand elaborate plans of how to increase my health and happiness, but who has the time to be healthy and happy!  With work, commute, writing, parenting, wifing, adulting there really any time for "me time"....?  The answer is yes, although it doesn't look like the pictures the articles make where you get to do yoga by a reflection pool. My me time begins around 4:30am this is my coffee and chores time. This is the time where the child is asleep and often the husband, if he is in town, is either already at work or asleep as well.  It may sound like chore time is not me time, but I enjoy cleaning and feel accomplished when I can complete these tasks uninterrupted. My second me time is usually sometime in the afternoon where I attempt to leave my desk to take a 15 minute walk.  This is the first me time to be compromised depending on the events of the day. The last m

The Truth About Good Intentions

The original purpose of this blog was to provide a clever, anecdotal account of what it was like to be a full time career mother pursuing a doctorate degree.  What has occurred since is......well life.  My last post was almost one year ago to the date.  Since then both my husband and I have: Taken different jobs, transitioned into a new parent model, cleaned up dog incidents more times that we can count, sold a home, made decisions about buying a home (haven't done it yet though), contemplated the future, tried to keep an almost four year old busy and sane, tried to keep us busy and sane....oh and tried to have time for family, marriage and friends. What I have learned as I am one class from ABD (all but dissertation), is that life is the biggest elephant there is and indeed all you can do is take it one bite at a time.  What I thought I could plan, I learned I cannot. Life will come full force whether you like it or not.  I am tackling guilt lately.  I feel guilty that: Blake at