More Hours in the Day

I need more hours in the day.  I know a lot of people say that, but I really do need them.  I have grand elaborate plans of how to increase my health and happiness, but who has the time to be healthy and happy!  With work, commute, writing, parenting, wifing, there really any time for "me time"....?  The answer is yes, although it doesn't look like the pictures the articles make where you get to do yoga by a reflection pool.

My me time begins around 4:30am this is my coffee and chores time. This is the time where the child is asleep and often the husband, if he is in town, is either already at work or asleep as well.  It may sound like chore time is not me time, but I enjoy cleaning and feel accomplished when I can complete these tasks uninterrupted. My second me time is usually sometime in the afternoon where I attempt to leave my desk to take a 15 minute walk.  This is the first me time to be compromised depending on the events of the day.

The last me time is usually around 7pm, as I admittedly allow the child to watch his shows (I know terrible parenting). I take this time to collect my thoughts, usually in the form of to do lists, enjoy a glass of red wine and occasionally even take a bath in relative peace.

What is the point?  Well, there is a lot of pressure in social media to take and make unreasonable amounts of time for yourself, but some of us just cannot meet those expectations.  Sometimes, going to the bathroom alone for 5 minutes counts as a "me" moment. I get a lot of comments from friends and family alike, "You really need to make more time for yourself", to which my internal response is:  "Sure I'll get right on bending time so that there are more hours in the day".  We are all busy so sometime the small "me" moments are the biggest wins.  Sometimes it is as small as writing ramblings for 5 or 6 people to read.  Whatever it is, my decision is to ignore the expectations of social media and to understand that sometimes a closed bedroom door and a bathtub in a messy bathroom is just as tranquil as yoga by a reflection pool.


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