Ditch the Resolutions

Well it is that time of year again where we all make promises to ourselves to be thinner, richer, more fun, have more friends and so the list goes. We all know that these resolutions DON'T WORK. at the end of the first week of the year we have abandoned the ideas that we had and we go back to our normal, self destructive and mundane routines..it sucks, makes us feel bad and leaves us waiting till next year to make the same resolutions. The exact same ones. This year I challenge the 10 people who read my blog to set goals that they can be held accountable for. This means a couple of things. Number one, you have to have a plan. An actual plan, like on paper. Number two, you have to have a due date, not some ambiguous place in time. Number three, you have to tell someone and partner with them to reach your goal. Number One: Have a Plan It is not enough to have a resolution, or even a goal if there is no plan in place. A goal without a plan is...