Ditch the Resolutions

Well it is that time of year again where we all make promises to ourselves to be thinner, richer, more fun, have more friends and so the list goes. We all know that these resolutions DON'T WORK.  at the end of the first week of the year we have abandoned the ideas that we had and we go back to our normal, self destructive and mundane routines..it sucks, makes us feel bad and leaves us waiting till next year to make the same resolutions.  The exact same ones.

This year I challenge the 10 people who read my blog to set goals that they can be held accountable for.  This means a couple of things. Number one, you have to have a plan.  An actual plan, like on paper.  Number two, you have to have a due date, not some ambiguous place in time.  Number three, you have to tell someone and partner with them to reach your goal.

Number One: Have a Plan
It is not enough to have a resolution, or even a goal if there is no plan in place.  A goal without a plan is just words and pretty thoughts.  I'd like a purple unicorn with a butterfly tattoo on its butt, this is not a resolution or a goal.

You must think through your goal and develop an actionable plan.  For instance, my Goal for 1st quarter of 2015 is to fit back into the pants I was in when I was my fittest in 2012.  I have a solid plan in place complete with rabbit food and the search for a workout I can do from home.  I know my limitations, I cannot join a gym unless it offers childcare, this gym cannot be off of my return path to home. These are all limitations that MUST be factored into my plan if I am to succeed. A Goal cannot be obtained if it is not realistic.  You might as well strive for that purple unicorn if you go into a Goal with unrealistic expectations.

Number Two: Have a Due Date
One reason resolutions don't work is because there is no end to them.  If you do not set a specific due date to a resolution or Goal, you will simply put it off, until it isn't worth the effort to pick it back up. Setting a Goal such as exercising in the New Year does no one good, except for the gym you joined but never actually set foot in, they LOVE you! Instead set a Goal such as, I will complete a home workout every day for the next 30 days.

One you reach the end of a deadline, set a new Goal.  With, you guessed it, a new deadline. We human beings love to set Goals, and can you imagine what would happen if we actually achieved a few of them? (Poof, Mind Blown!) I know I won't be settling for a one and done mentality when it comes to Goal planning....that is reserved for my family plan.

Number Three: Choose a Buddy!
What fun is achieving a Goal if you do it alone.  Part of the fun of reaching a milestone is celebrating the success with someone who has fought the battle with you. I have a few "plans" and have already chosen my accountability partner for them.  Unfortunately for my husband, he is a build in accountability partner.....but I am hoping for a whole support group to aid me in my crazy.

Social media has become a great place for teaming up with people to achieve goals.  You can join groups for just about anything.  Want to learn how to crochet a horn cover for your purple unicorn, there's a group for that.  Reach out to those who are on the same crazy goal path as you are and embrace the adventure, together.  You are much more likely to achieve your goals that way than if you try it solo.

Have no friends? (I seriously doubt that you negative Nancy you) try out https://www.linkagoal.com/explore

Whatever your goals are, don't make them resolutions....resolutions, like promises are meant to be broken.  Set yourself up for success by planning, devising a cut off date for yourself and asking someone else to hold you accountable.


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