
Showing posts from February, 2016

Young Workers, Take it From Us Old Folks...Just Stop

So I finished my series on commitments and I did better than I expected on all of those commitments.  They are all baby steps, works in progress and to the average person it would seem  as if not much has been accomplished, but trust me, there has been much progress.  Today I'd like to switch gears....I'd like to impart my....ahem...wisdom to this younger generation of workers. Young workers of this earth, there are 5 things that you must STOP doing in the workplace now.  I mean like right now.  These 5 things label you as irresponsible, unreliable and just bad people.  I embellish of course, but not much.  Let me explain.  Last week I spent the entire week minus one day filming young employees DOING THEIR JOB.  Most of them did an incredible job, but some of the interactions reminded me of the same mistakes I have made in the past, hell some of the I still make now.  So here they are, my five things you all need to stop doing for the love of all that is sacred and pure: 1.

Work it- Even when it Feels Hard

Sometimes I feel like a super bad juggler.  I feel like I have several balls: Work, husband, child, school, community commitments, friends, family, housework and financial obligations.  I have all these balls that I try to keep up in the air and at any given time they all come crashing to the floor in a most dramatic flop. Being a working mom and also going to school is hard.  In fact I am not going to sugar coat things, this is the hardest season I have had in my entire life.  Author Jen Hatmaker talks about taking thing on and off of your life balancing beam, but I am currently in a season where nothing can be taken off my beam. What can be frustrating is when people disagree with that statement.  Surely something can be taken off, surely I can find some time to decompress, or to just breathe.  One of those people is even my husband who routinely says that I just don't make time for myself, but is frustrated when I don't have the time to spend with him.  Its a losing batt

Community Involvement- OR- Scariest Thing on Earth

So I missed my blog post last week.  I am sure everyone noticed and was very sad about that.  First, class started back up again after about 10 weeks of a hiatus with dissertation writing, parting ways with my chair and starting that whole process of finding a new chair.  But none of those are reasons I did not post. The real reason for not posting is that it was my promise to myself to to post and commit to joining and being more involved in a community. I love the idea of making new friends, having that Sex in the City, Golden Girls even Buffy the Vampire Slayer core group of friends to do life with.  I love the idea!! It is not my reality, in fact making new friends freaks me out.  Getting close to friends terrifies me. So the idea of inserting myself into a community is something I avoid at all costs. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of wonderful friends and family, but most of them are not local.  I have my one Colorado person/Family that I feel bad for because I rely on t