Young Workers, Take it From Us Old Folks...Just Stop
So I finished my series on commitments and I did better than I expected on all of those commitments. They are all baby steps, works in progress and to the average person it would seem as if not much has been accomplished, but trust me, there has been much progress. Today I'd like to switch gears....I'd like to impart my....ahem...wisdom to this younger generation of workers. Young workers of this earth, there are 5 things that you must STOP doing in the workplace now. I mean like right now. These 5 things label you as irresponsible, unreliable and just bad people. I embellish of course, but not much. Let me explain. Last week I spent the entire week minus one day filming young employees DOING THEIR JOB. Most of them did an incredible job, but some of the interactions reminded me of the same mistakes I have made in the past, hell some of the I still make now. So here they are, my five things you all need to stop doing for...