Work it- Even when it Feels Hard

Sometimes I feel like a super bad juggler.  I feel like I have several balls: Work, husband, child, school, community commitments, friends, family, housework and financial obligations.  I have all these balls that I try to keep up in the air and at any given time they all come crashing to the floor in a most dramatic flop.

Being a working mom and also going to school is hard.  In fact I am not going to sugar coat things, this is the hardest season I have had in my entire life.  Author Jen Hatmaker talks about taking thing on and off of your life balancing beam, but I am currently in a season where nothing can be taken off my beam.

What can be frustrating is when people disagree with that statement.  Surely something can be taken off, surely I can find some time to decompress, or to just breathe.  One of those people is even my husband who routinely says that I just don't make time for myself, but is frustrated when I don't have the time to spend with him.  Its a losing battle most days and there are definitely days I feel defeated.

This is just a part of life and this will pass into another season with different challenges.  Somethings will get easier and some will get worse....some of it will just stay the same. Two things are certain though, There will always be work to do, and eventually school will end.

There are definitely days when my job is not glamorous and even days when it seems I am not making progress.  There are definitely days when I wonder if i have taken steps back in my career since I am definitely not where I thought I would be at this stage of my life.  But I have to understand that anymore responsibility or expectations in my career at this point would be unmanageable with everything else that is on my plate.

I am learning to embrace my current job and the duties that are included.  I am happy with those leading me and very happy with the team and company that I work with and for, so I should not be discouraged that I do not hold the title of the job descriptions that I thought I would have by this age in my life.

And speaking of by this age in my life.  I would have never thought that at the tender age of almost 40 I would still be in school, that I would still be writing papers and that I would still be experiencing major setbacks in both of these areas I must remember that it is a marathon not a sprint and that even though it seems harder for me than for others, I will get it done and I will feel that accomplishment.

It is so easy to get caught up with the life you thought you would have, the troubles you never thought you would have, the success and accomplishment you imagined.  In the end my life is pretty darn great, it is a hard season, but it is a blessed season.  The more I focus on what I have accomplished, the more it doesn't matter what I haven't accomplished. This doesn't mean I quit setting goals, or I quit dreaming.  It just means that I take an equal amount of time bask in in what has been accomplished and how far I have come, even just in this new year,


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