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It is easy to be hard on yourself when it seems like things are impossibly hard. The thing about life is that we all do hard things, but we don't have to be overly hard on ourselves. Self doubt, caring about what others say or think to the point that it makes you feel bad about yourself, that is all crap and should be dismissed. Yes, we must be careful with our words, thoughts and actions, but we are all human and it is better to just be honest with yourself and others than to wallow in the what ifs. The balance is hard to find. Do you not say certain things because you are afraid of hurting feelings, or are you too honest with the excuse that you are being true to yourself? There has be be that sweet spot median right? I have spent many years feeling judged, with the feeling that I was doing something wrong. I spent years tiptoeing around feelings and living in fear of hurting others. I wasn't honest with myself or others for a long time, now I feel ...