Time to Take a Slow Down

Sometimes life is a lot.  Just a lot to deal with, a lot to process and a lot to digest day in and day out. We move so fast and there is so much busyness all of the time that we lose ourselves and forget to take notice of the little moments.  I have a hard time sometimes hearing the precious moments in life through the noise and clamor of all of the responsibilities, heartaches and stressful situations that inundate me every day.  Do you ever feel that way?  Ever feel like you are just treading water and gasping for the next task.  I certainly have felt that way lately. There are days I feel in a daze and can't even remember what tasks I completed in the day.

It is in these times that a slow down is a necessity.  For mean that means leaving....removing myself completely from the situation and taking a moment just to breathe and pause.  My removal was a trip to Illinois to visit my Grandma and one of my dearest friends.  I did zero organizing for this trip as I normally do.  Did not make lists of things to pack or coordinate plans to run all over the place, I just threw a few days of clothes in a suitcase and boarded a plane.  It was a wonder that I was organized enough to book a car.

The result has been remarkable.  I have been completely without agenda, I have been able to focus on enjoyment and just letting things run their course.  We had breakfast in little nook cafe's and took long drives into the country.  Had meaningful conversations and earned the trust of a finicky cat.  The trip is only half over and I feel like my soul has been slightly healed and that my busyness has been slightly calmed, if not just for a moment.

So I guess my one nugget of advice would be: if you are tired, sad, depressed, lonely, overwhelmed and just plain not sure how you will survive another day....develop some wanderlust and just GO. Go away, alone or to the company of someone you love.  Just be away from your present circumstance for a little while.  This will allow you to do two things. First, it will allow you to distance yourself from the painful stuff, and secondly it will allow to appreciate all the great stuff.  I know I will come back feeling renewed and ready to tackle the yucks....one day at a time.

Love you all!


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