I Have That Kid
If you are a parent, you know that kid. The one kid who defies his/her parents, who talks back and doesn't listen, who takes things without asking and makes messes without any desire to pick things up. You know the kid who throws horrendous tantrums and defies everyone and everything, who interrupts when grown ups are talking. This kid hits friends and throws things in rage. You may judge the parents thinking "why can't they control their kid", "why aren't they disciplining him/her", "they must not be good parents, my child never acts that bad". While it is so tempting to have these thoughts, if you could really spend one day in the life of that parent, with THAT child, you may have a different perspective. I am the mother of THAT kid. He has at least one referral a week and has been suspended four times this year. He's 5 and in kindergarten. I get almost daily calls from his school and at home he is also hard to manage, many times b...