
Showing posts from 2014

The Cost of Exhaustion

I am writing.....and I am reading......and I am writing...... and after an hour I have a pretty decent idea that I am totally lost on what direction I am taking this dissertation.  I am sure my story is fairly common in this dissertation process, but I am tired, I am frustrated and I am procrastinating.  I have set this insane goal of writing 5-10 pages a night, forgetting that I have 2-3 hours between the time I get home and the time I go to bed.  I have managed to write out a table of contents for Chapter 1, in which I have identified that I have at least 5-6 more topics to develop, and then I launch into Chapter 2..........and so far I have a  3 page table of contents, and I am half way done with identifying what I need to write for chapter 2.........sigh.....and more sigh. But of course as always the writing process, however important as it might seem, has taken a back seat to the planning of a Spiderman birthday party, dealing with a petty jerk at work who thinks that EVERYTHING


I decided what to be for Halloween.  Anyone who knows me knows that this is a big deal.  My 3 year old (next week) decided he wanted to be Spiderman.  This is the first year he has been able to state what he wants to be for Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, and it is a big deal to me so of course my mind starts to race as to what I can craft as a theme for the entire family.....capes for the dog, a cinch, but what super hero costume is appropriate for a mom who isn't in leotard shape.  I thought about it for a couple months....yes I said months, and finally...Epiphany!!! After 4 days of no sleep an image of myself appeared.  I would be SuperMom!!! But not a Wonder Woman type of SuperMom, more of a realistic look at what the sleep deprived mother of a preschooler, who still has full time work, full time school, and a house to look after.  So here is what my Halloween costume will look like. Tights:   Some obnoxious outdated color because who has the time or money to shop

Immmmmmmmm Baaaaaccccckkkkkk

Wow! Nine months since my last post....I am such a slacker.  For any of you just trying to do it all I am sure you are not surprised.  Let's see.........what has happened in the last nine months of house is now empty besides the nuclear family, I have a precarious almost three year old, I got placed on a forced leave of absence with UOP because they cannot seem to get my schedule right, I got promoted at work, and I have been traveling like a mad woman.  In the last nine months I have been to: Chicago, Ill (got to see my amazing Heather Dudley) Pismo Beach, CA (got to see my amazing Alexis Williams) Toronto (had to get a passport for that one) Palm Beach,  Florida (twice) Palo Alto, CA (to visit with Apple) Scottsdale, AZ(to speak at a college) Providence, RI (nothing to report here) Roswell, GA (Ugh Georgia) Cape Cod, MA (that was a cool trip) Minneapolis, MN (somewhere in Middle America) Pelican Bay, FL (trained my first new trainer) Back to Toro