
I decided what to be for Halloween.  Anyone who knows me knows that this is a big deal.  My 3 year old (next week) decided he wanted to be Spiderman.  This is the first year he has been able to state what he wants to be for Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, and it is a big deal to me so of course my mind starts to race as to what I can craft as a theme for the entire family.....capes for the dog, a cinch, but what super hero costume is appropriate for a mom who isn't in leotard shape. 

I thought about it for a couple months....yes I said months, and finally...Epiphany!!! After 4 days of no sleep an image of myself appeared.  I would be SuperMom!!! But not a Wonder Woman type of SuperMom, more of a realistic look at what the sleep deprived mother of a preschooler, who still has full time work, full time school, and a house to look after.  So here is what my Halloween costume will look like.

Tights:  Some obnoxious outdated color because who has the time or money to shop after buying school clothes a month ago.
Leotard: that doesn't match because most of the time I get dressed in the dark so as not to wake the sleeping preschooler.
Sweat Shorts: cut from actual sweats because again the shopping thing.  This will also hide the pouch that cannot be worked off because there is no time for workouts, and usually there is an exhaustion factor if there is time.
Slippers: because you can't trick or treat barefoot
Cape:  Made from an old bed sheet with a crude M written out of sharpie-because lets face it, we work with what we've got.

All of the above stained with Oatmeal or Juice....or both

Dark Circles
excessive wrinkles
non-matching eyeshadow-again I get ready in the dark
grey hair
Curlers half in: because there is no time to put in the rest.

Toilet Brush
Wine Glass-Plastic of course.

I know that you are all anxiously awaiting pictures, so I will post accordingly.  Next post will be on the dreaded literature soon as I can stay awake enough to start writing it!!!



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