
Showing posts from October, 2015

A Case of the Mondays

Mondays are the worst aren't they? I always find it harder to get out of the house on Mondays.  They are a little more stressful than any other day and I find that it is hard to motivate the four year old to MOVE HIS REAR END! Ha ha ha. Late last night while perusing the book of faces, I notices on my child's preschool website that it was "Spirit" week and he had crazy hair day this morning.  GREAT! we have to add a hairstyle to our morning routine (because it's already so much fun). So while crash coursing on Pintrest to find a crazy hairstyle for my little, I ran across several "tips successful women follow to make their days more productive..blah blah blah" posts.  I kind of wanted to punt kick these articles.  "wake up early, and don't hit the snooze alarm", "get in a morning workout", "meditate and visualize your day as productive and task oriented". Pintrest and their unrealistic expectations! Who the heck are th...

This too Shall Pass

Sometimes I feel like I have lost my identity which sometimes means that when I ditch the "mommy" label for a couple of hours I may go a little overboard trying to be the old me.  I had some scheduled time to myself each week,  but that is coming to an end.  I feel a little overwhelmed by my lack of identity again, but if I take a step back I realize that this too shall pass.  My little boy will not always need me to pick him up from school, and will not always want me to watch PBS kids all the freaking time with him.  He will rush upstairs to his room and play video games online and will not even give a thought to his Mom.  I will have my time to myself, and probably too much of it.  Granted I will also be old as dirt by this time but who cares.  Whenever I find myself getting selfish God has a way of taking away the freedom I enjoyed.  Maybe I abused the freetime I had and so I need to take a step back and realize that my little boy will on...

My First Book Club and Group Mom Date

I am a full time, outside of the home working Mom.  Not only am I working Mom, I am a doctoral student who is all but one class away from ABD (All But Dissertation to those of you who aren't maniacal enough to pursue this life sucker called a Phd). On top of that I am what I like to call a Married Single Mom.  This means that although I have a husband, who is an excellent father, he is out of the home for business travel 20-25 days out of the month.  With all that being said, I do not have a lot of time for meeting new people, or developing new friendships. About 3 months ago I sent a cry to the Facebook universe..."Does anyone want to start a book club?" This was a bold move for me for two reasons: 1. I have some social anxiety and fear friendships with Mom's. 2. How did I possibly think I would have time to read a book. A Mom from my church who I know moderately well answered the call.  She not only alleviated my stress of finding people to actually want to parti...