My First Book Club and Group Mom Date

I am a full time, outside of the home working Mom.  Not only am I working Mom, I am a doctoral student who is all but one class away from ABD (All But Dissertation to those of you who aren't maniacal enough to pursue this life sucker called a Phd). On top of that I am what I like to call a Married Single Mom.  This means that although I have a husband, who is an excellent father, he is out of the home for business travel 20-25 days out of the month.  With all that being said, I do not have a lot of time for meeting new people, or developing new friendships.

About 3 months ago I sent a cry to the Facebook universe..."Does anyone want to start a book club?" This was a bold move for me for two reasons: 1. I have some social anxiety and fear friendships with Mom's. 2. How did I possibly think I would have time to read a book. A Mom from my church who I know moderately well answered the call.  She not only alleviated my stress of finding people to actually want to participate, but also picked the perfect book.

"Women are Scary" by Melanie Dale is perfection.  I swear this Woman is me to a T.  She is a lover of God who is real and down to earth and is scared to death of Mom's, but loves the camaraderie of friendship. She has passions for adoption, human trafficking and poverty. She discusses balance and the fact that we cannot do life alone, even when we feel like we may want to.

This book made me feel like less of a freak and like more of a person. I am grateful to my book club co-founder and look forward to this thing Melanie describes as "Mom-Dating".  If you are a mom of any kind, stay at home, single mom, working mom even a childless mom, you need to give this book a read.  If you have any insecurities about your Mom status, you will thank me for turning you on to this book!

You can also follow Melanie's blog at

I sincerely hope that Melanie doesn't mind my shameless review of her work, it's just nice to know that there is another Buffy loving, social anxiety ridden, messy poop cleaning Mommy just like me!


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