A Case of the Mondays

Mondays are the worst aren't they? I always find it harder to get out of the house on Mondays.  They are a little more stressful than any other day and I find that it is hard to motivate the four year old to MOVE HIS REAR END! Ha ha ha. Late last night while perusing the book of faces, I notices on my child's preschool website that it was "Spirit" week and he had crazy hair day this morning.  GREAT! we have to add a hairstyle to our morning routine (because it's already so much fun).

So while crash coursing on Pintrest to find a crazy hairstyle for my little, I ran across several "tips successful women follow to make their days more productive..blah blah blah" posts.  I kind of wanted to punt kick these articles.  "wake up early, and don't hit the snooze alarm", "get in a morning workout", "meditate and visualize your day as productive and task oriented". Pintrest and their unrealistic expectations! Who the heck are they kidding..Morning looks like: Alarm goes off at five...snooze....alarm goes off at 5:05....snooze, repeat every 5 minutes until 5:15....bolt out of bed in panic.  Make coffee and do 25 crunches on balance ball.  Load laundry, fold last nights laundry, clean up dog pee.  Throw on clothes, and wake up kid.  Carry kid downstairs and throw on couch. Turn on some Pre-K show, make instant oatmeal and milk.  Run upstairs and put on makeup. Dress kid who is in Corpse pose, and will not assist in ANY way.
fight with said kid for 20 mins about which toys to take into the car for the 15 minute car ride.  Spend another 15 minutes getting kid into the car.  Go into the house with the car running and kid strapped in 5 separate times  for forgotten items left by kid. Drive to school and spend 15 mins reminding kid that he cannot take car companion toys into school. Spend 5 minutes in class with hugs, kisses and "mommy's late" comments before returning to car to begin commute to work. SIGH!

As crazy as Monday mornings can be, I have always looked at Mondays as a rebirth. A brand new week.  A chance to make positive changes that will lead to more productive days and life changing ideas and decisions.  A tall task for Monday's to deliver upon.  More often than not Mondays end up being an extension of last Friday, but the potential is always there.

This week I embark of the arduous process of preparing my dissertation proposal to QRB and IRB boards.  I am full of uncertainty and self confidence issues as I think my writing is not up to par with other classmates, I think that my 58 pages of written material is not substantive enough.  That the idea for my dissertation is not interesting, and that the board will find so many mistakes they will tell me to give it up altogether.

These are the thoughts I usually reserve for Tuesday or Wednesday, but the looming start to this class tomorrow makes my "I hate my paper, I suck, I should throw in the towel" thoughts creep in a little early.  So.....what to do? Pick up that pen and paper (ie, laptop) and get to writing.   I have come to realize that I don't have to LOVE my dissertation.... job.... current project...I just have to do a thorough job and feel good about giving 100% effort.  Some days I will feel amazing about what I produce and sometimes I will feel that it is crap, but as long as I am giving it all that I can, I shouldn't feel self conscious about the work. Get it done and move on to the bigger goal.


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