The Thankful Season

It is that time of year when we reflect on all the things that we choose to ignore for the rest of the year...the things that we are thankful for.  The rest of the year is spent on complaints and poor me's but for one month we look at all we have, and for once (even if it's fleeting), we are content.

It would be much more productive to remember this everyday of the year, however this is not easy to do.  It is easier to want more, complain more, be more dissatisfied....after all we are the society of more.  I for one do not need more, well maybe more sleep, but otherwise I am beyond content with what I have.

Every year Facebook is the  forum for so many to play the Thankful game, where the participants choose one thing to remember to be thankful for until Thanksgiving day. Last year I participated to what ended up in disastrous events and the loss of a 20 year plus friendship (that was the beginning of the end, not the sole reason for it). I realized that it meant nothing for me to state what and whom I was thankful for, that is not as productive as showing what and whom I was thankful for. I also learned that it is silly to base your self worth on whether someone states that they are thankful for you on a social media page....especially when their actions speak many more volumes than what they put on a posting.

Over the last year I have had very little precious free time, and admittedly I have not been the best friend.  I have been completely selfish concentrating on my family, my job, and my schooling.  I have been trying to concentrate on making me the best me that I can be through my diet and exercise.  As a result the friends have trailed off, which I have learned is ok.  New friends have come into my life that understand and relate to my situation right now, and they have become a support system that I have not expected.....a welcome surprise.  I do not do anything for someone with expectations of reciprocation or praise, and those who have come into my life, as well as those who have remained,  are the same way. I am blessed with those who have graced me with their friendship.

This Thanksgiving I challenge everyone to commit to keeping the thankful spirit year round.  If it has been a traumatic or fruitless year for you, be thankful that you have the opportunity to make next year better.  If you aren't happy with the people in your life, be thankful that you have the power to remove them.  If you dwell on your misfortunes you will never overcome them. Life is a blessing, not a curse. Go out and make your own destiny!



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