Construction Zone

I have been doing  a lot of work on me recently.  I took a leave of absense to get through the holiday's but got through so much more.  I am 11 days into a health challenge that I never thought I would have the will power for, and I am attempting to build new relationships with people who will compliment me and my new life, not hinder it and judge me.

I will always be a work in progress, but I keep moving forward and I try not to settle or get too comfortable.  I want to help others to realize their potential as well. My biggest struggle right now is to get over this idea that others have put into my head. That I am selfish.  In some ways it is good to have this said to me, and about me, because it makes me more conscious of others. I have been walking around in a bit of a fuzzy haze since Blake was born.  I don't remember facts, details or names the way I used to.  He takes most of my energy and most of my brain power.  I am however starting to take it back. I am remembering more and slowing down to enjoy the company of others.

The next step is to work on consideration.  To notice when someone could use some help, or an encouraging word.  I used to be so good at identifying this, and now I am clueless. That is one goal I have for myself.  To be the type of friend that I would like to have in my life.

I hope that all of you are constantly striving for a better you.  It feels wonderful to look back and to see where life has taken you and to see that the opportunities to create your own happy life are boundless.

My challenge this week:  To attend a social function merely to be social, and to have lunch with a friend who I'd like to get to know better.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. It's so easy to just become a mom and let those little guys consume our lives. Good for you for taking back some of yourself, it will only make you a better mom.

    1. Thank you so much Fredrica, I truly admire your ability to have 3 litle ones and run your own company. How amazing and talented you are. I can barely handle my one!


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