Many Windows

At any given time on my computer you can find not only several windows open, but even a couple browsers.  It seems as if I am always toggling between work email in Outlook, research articles in Firefox and personal sites in Internet explorer.  I always have at least 2 spreadsheets, 1 or 2 word documents and several PDF's open as well.  How strange that this parallels my life as well.  It seems as if I am always jumping from one activity to another, trying to balance on one foot and hold my breath all at the same time.

Problem is....nothing seems to get done with any efficiency.  This is not an uncommon theme for anyone that I know. We are all busy!! I wonder what would happen if I just STOPPED......................................................................................................................................Phew that was painful, mind racing, heart pulsing, panic setting do I learn to relax?

I have tried yoga, usually with a toddler trying to grasp my leg and laugh at me while in downward dog, while my actual dogs try to lick my scratch.  I have tried meditation, but I can never seem to focus.  I have tried baths, taking a "time out" all to no avail.

And so this week as I am in the women's bible study my body decided to do it for me.  In the middle of the study, I was forced to rush to the bathroom and not only did I throw up, but because I am now a mother, and have no bladder control I also peed myself! I bet you are sooo glad you read this now.

Needless to say I was in the bathroom until 3:30am the next day and stayed in bed for the next 24 hours.  Point? My body decided that since I wasn't going to slow down, it was going to do it for me.  So what is the long term answer?  I'm not sure yet, but I think that to start I will put aside 30 mins before bed for yoga, and a bath, after the kiddo is asleep. During this time I will lock the dogs out of the room.  This may be a start.  I will also try to alleviate pressure that I put on myself, because, well no one is more important than me. Plus I don't want to have to walk out of another women's bible study with a jacket around my waist instead of around my shoulders in 20 degree weather again.

Take care of yourselves everyone, lord knows I am going to try to do the same.


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