Never Liked the Taste of Crow but Baby I Ate it

So much more than a clever song lyric by The Band Perry (excellent song btw), it was a life lesson to me today.  I had a humbling experience today, not because I was wrong or right, because honestly I am not sure if I was or was not and I will likely never know, but I let two thing emotionally spin me today.....Pride and Possession.  Let's be honest neither on which matter a lick to anyone but me.

You see I thought 8 months ago that I had accepted an offer for a particular salary, so when I received a pleasant review but the salary was surprising I went into a tailspin...This wasn't what I had signed on for, I don't even like what I'm doing, why would have I agreed to this? I had these preconceived notions that I was better than where I was and that I had not agreed to something that paperwork had clearly documented that I had.

I am not sure what delusion I was under or why I had a particular figure in my head, but I learned a valuable lesson today. Crow tastes awful, and humility is never easily swallowed. I made a mistake in my assumption, most likely and if I didn't well it doesn't really matter.  I have a great job with wonderful people. Am I doing what I want for the rest of my life? No. I hope you aren't either.  We always strive to be more and do more.  But I am in a good place, and shame on me for questioning people who actually care.  I send sincere and humble apologies to those who have given me a great opportunity.  I don't know what came over me.  I am grateful for where I am, and embarrassed by thinking I was entitled to more.

Short and simple today, thanks for reading.


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