Head to the Light

Sometimes life is just dark, scary and messy.  This is true for everyone don't let Facebook and Pintrest fool you.  We all have our dark seasons, but there is great news.  Nothing lasts forever, not even your darkest seasons.

I am currently standing at the end of a dark tunnel.  I can totally see the light in front of me, and it's close but I am still a little in the dark.  When I look back I see pitch black, but I also see that I have progressed to a place of semi lightness.  I am excited about the future, hesitant to take full leaps of faith but definitely ready to take some baby steps to climb back into the light.  This is life.

I cringe when I hear people say "life is hard", it isn't.  Life is life. It is neither hard nor easy, it is neither happy or sad, it is neither blessed nor cursed....it is all of these. Without dark there is no light, without challenges there are no successes. It's all about how you get back up when you are knocked down, and it is about knowing when to say when to things like sadness, disappointment, regret and even sometimes when to say when to bad friendships, relationships and things that we enjoy that may not be the best for us.

I've learned three things from this little dark season, would you like to hear them? Well too bad, my blog and you are reading it so there ;).

1. We all have lonely seasons:  I can be standing in a room full of people and still feel like the loneliest person on the planet.  I can sit next to my spouse and child on the couch in the living room and feel like they are a world away. The mistake is thinking that I am literally alone in feeling this way.  We all have these moments.

My husband and I realized that there are nights that we sit in separate states, feeling lonely, scrolling through Facebook feeling like we have no one.  Neither of us text each other or message or call each other...WHHAAATTTT!!! How silly is that?  We all have lonely spells so reach out to someone, you may make them feel like they are less alone. You will feel less alone as well.

2. Sometimes it's OK to not be OK: Ya I said it. Sometimes we just need a big ole helping of self-pity. and once we get over ourselves and have licked our wounds clean, we can often see the good things in life, and we are more empathetic to our friends and family.

3. Once the pity party ends, its time to step back out into that light: You can't dwell in self-pity forever, that's no fun and does no one any good.  So once you feel like a human again, put on a party dress (or suit), and step into the light.  Watch your sparkle come back and forgive yourself and others  for whatever sent you into the  spiral of darkness. Sometimes this is a baby step into the light.  That's ok, a step is a step.  There will come a day when this darkness will seem like a silly spell, and the new darkness will seem daunting.  Like Dory said, "just keep swimming".

The most important thing is to find your way out of the darkness.  Don't let it consume you.  It's so easy to say just step into the light, but sometimes as long as you can see some light at the end of the dark tunnel that is enough for the moment.  At some point, take the next step.  You will be so glad you did.

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