Can I Just Tell You?

Can I just let you in on a little secret?  I am surrounded in life by some of the most talented and amazing people and chances are so are you.  I am surrounded by artists, musicians, lovers of life, writers and truth tellers.  I have people in my life who teach me daily about compassion and grace.  I have people who live with me who are generous and love my child as their own.  I am inspired by friends who are strong beyond their circumstances.  I am humbled and amazed by those I get to do life with.

Sometimes I wish people could see what I see on my social media pages.  They would see such amazing talents, and such beauty and positivity.  Sometimes I geek out on just how amazing my people are.  What about you? Do you ever have moments when it just hits you.....that with all the negativity that exists in life, with all of the pain and hard times that you still get to have amazing people in your life.

I have a couple of friends who just inspire me with every truth that they speak. I could sit and read their blogs, or listen to their spoken art forever and never tire of their gifts and talents.  I have other friends who are so compassionate that they inspire me to want to be more, and to love more. I have other friends who face such darkness with such grace that I am in awe of their tenacity and spirit to carry on.  When I feel down or sorry for myself, these friends comfort me and give me perspective, sometimes just by reading their social media posts.

Some of these friends are people I am not close to, I see them once a week or on social media and yet they inspire me.  You have no idea how you will impact someone else, what your words could mean, what your actions could ignite.  You may unknowingly be a catalyst for new perspective for someone who desperately needs a paradigm shift.

I have a point.....I promise.  It is this.  I challenge you to look at your friends and acquaintances with a new pair of eyes today.  Recognize their talents and the impact it may have on your life, and acknowledge the influence each person has on you.  Read your friends blogs, admire their art, listen to their words of wisdom, sing along with their music and really reflect on how impactful those gifts and talents are. It's amazing, I am telling you, mind blowing even.

Thank you friends, you know who you are!


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