The Curse of DIA

I have never had a good experience flying  for work out of Denver International Airport.  In fact every time I fly out of said airport I want to punch someone.  The first time I flew out of DIA as a Colorado resident I was 7 months pregnant, huge, and it was the middle of summer.  I parked in the main parking lot and noted where my car was (or at least I thought I did).  When I returned I walked for an hour trying to find my car only to sit on a curb huge and crying until a shuttle driver tried to help me.  Luckily at DIA they keep a record of every car in the lot and they were able to look up my car based on the fact that it was a silver Rav4 with California plates.

The next time I flew for work was to Dallas.  I check in at the gate and waited through an epically long security line only to find out that the airline had checked me in under my co-workers name.  He is a guy, so clearly not me. I had to go all the way back to the check in counter, check in again and then get back to security. Of course when they checked me in, they checked my co-worker out so he had to be checked in again and the flight was full.  They had almost given up his seat. When I returned I learned that I had parked in a police zone that was not marked and my car had been towed,  That ended up being a $250 ticket.

This week we flew to Tampa.  We first checked in to the wrong airline The kiosk told us we needed special assistance, which is kiosk speak for "your at the wrong airline moron"! We proceeded to the correct airline, after waiting in the line for the first airline only to be told that we were flying another airline.  Once we printed our boarding passes we proceeded to security.  Once we got to the agent she looked at my co-workers pass and said "you don't look like an Amber". Son of a......not again.  We had to go back to the kiosk to recheck in.  Of course the kiosk decided to freeze. After 3 attempts we finally got ALL of the boarding passes printed correctly and we were on our way to Tampa.

Had it not been for the beach, cocktails and a fabulous evening at Roy's, I may have jumped out of that plane.  Luckily I will not be traveling for work for a while, and so far it seems like I have much better luck flying for pleasure.  I am hoping this is the case with our vacation flight to California next month.


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