Sleep Deprivation

Over the last couple of months I have been suffering from what I can only describe as mini seizures.  I will lose consciousness for a literal second, almost like my brain misfires.  I would find myself in the kitchens of my restaurants and I would have to steady myself so that I would not fall over.  My biggest fear was that I would be walking downstairs with Blake and I would topple over as a result of one of these misfires. 

 At first I was very concerned about these "episodes", but I started to notice a pattern. The misfires only happen when I am sleep deprived for multiple days.  "Certain stages of sleep are needed for the regeneration of neurons within the cerebral cortex while other stages of sleep seem to be used for forming new memories and generating new synaptic connections. The effects of sleep deprivation on behavior have been tested with relation to the presence of activity in different sections of the cerebral cortex".(,2012) In sleepy means brain no worky. If prolonged, sleep deprivation can lead to the weakening of the immune system and in extreme cases death. 

Getting sleep is easier said than done lately.  Blake is teething early, so his sleep in interrupted which interrupts my sleep as well. I also have the added stress of trying to further my education and my career.  I feel that I have self imposed pressure to have a career that supports my family so that my husband can take a part time position to focus on what he wants to do in the long term.  Like I said, this is self imposed and lends to the "superwoman complex". 

For now I will be counting sleep, and ignoring the voices in my head that keep me awake at night. This may come with the assistance of some Tylenol pm or even a nice glass of Cabernet.


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