I May Be Knocked Down, but I am Not Knocked Out!

I've spent at least 7 rounds in the ring with life lately and I am pretty beaten up, not going to lie.  What motivates you to keep fighting when life keeps beating your up?  For me I know that things will not only get better, but they will be amazing....I know that deep down in a way that I can't express. Today I want to talk about getting back up when you just want to stay down. It seems like the last few posts have consisted of complaints from me about how hard life is, how I'm so sad and tired...whaaaaaaa....whaaaaaa.....whaaaaaaa! I know you all LOVE reading about how miserable I am LOL.

I have learned to lean into the hard stuff, and find little nuggets of sunshine and here are a couple of things I would like to pass on to all of you.

1. Every wave passes, but there will likely be another wave close behind. Recoup and restore during the low tides:  For me this means enjoying the good days and relishing in those moments.  I store them up so the hard days aren't as hard. I can recall those memories while bracing for the next wave.

2. Depend on the ones who are honest: My chair is amazing.  She gives it to me straight and tells me how it is.  In moments where I'm knocked down, sometimes the greatest encouragement is truth, straight talk and reason.  I have a tendency to send myself into a downward spiral.  For me, the last thing I need is someone to tell me that everything is going to be ok....what I need is someone to tell me "snap out of it and pull up your big girl panties sister, you have important work to carry on with".  I appreciate well wishers, but I value truth tellers.

3. Do the best work in the four walls of your home: When the waters are rising and you feel like the floods will consume you, the only raft you need to build is in your own home.  Sometimes it seems like those walls are caving in on you, but if you push back on them, you will find a firmer foundation.  Don't let waters be consuming, learn to swim. Your people in your home are the most important, and that is where the hardest work will occur.  It is work well worth it.

4. Cry and feel sorry for yourself, and then get over it:  It is perfectly acceptable to feel the way your feel with absolutely no apologies.  If that means ugly crying in public, go on an ugly cry in public...but afterwards wash your face, reapply your make-up and get on with it.  I have had some doozy breakdowns lately, but guess what, the next morning came and my drama queen episode didn't stop life from going on.

5. Throat punch anyone who tells you someone would love to have your struggles: Really, just throat punch them.  Do not let anyone compare your struggles with someone else, and you know what, you don't compare either .  I realize there are some who have life easier and some who definitely have life harder....my concern is with MY life.  I'm not in the business of comparing, I am in the business of making my life the best it can be so that I can pour into others who may be hurting. My experiences may allow me more empathy, compassion and wisdomly advice (what? wisdomly is TOTALLY a word) but it is MY life, MY struggle, and MY story

I get so frustrated with those who have good intentions and tell you everything will be ok, everything happens for a purpose and be patient and trust God's will....I know all of this, and yes I believe it. However, in the heat of the battle all I really want is for someone to come along side me and give me permission to flip life the bird.

Love you all!


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