Stop Banging Your Head Against a Wall

Three weeks ago I received a new academic advisor.  My chair had recommended that I reach out to facilitate assistance with scholarly writing resources because my proposal is just not where it needs to be.  I called, received no answer.  Emailed, received no answer. Repeated the process for the last three weeks.  I felt like I was beating my head on a brick wall.  My issue was that I was doing the same thing and receiving the same outcome, wow! You would think that as a PHd student I would have a little more common sense. 

You can't move forward in anything, career, relationship skill development if  you continue doing the things that are keeping you stagnant.  You must take a leap of faith and try something different. You still might not get the outcome you desire....but at least the outcome will be different.

Many times this step is a change in our attitudes or mindset, and sometimes it's making a change in our actions.  In this case I had to pick up the PHONE....if you know me, the introvert, the phone is not my friend if my mouth has to do the talking.  I am much more comfortable in text, but I pulled up those big girl pants and dialed the number for the manager of academic advisors.....and you know what?! I still have not gotten a call back....sigh. I do however know that this was a step in escalation and will add ammunition to my arsenal. I will walk  up to that podium and receive that PHd, it's just going to take me a little longer than most to get there.

My point is, if you don't like where you are, you may have to make a change.  That change may not put you where you want to be, but it will at least get you out of the rut you are currently in. There is nothing worse than being unhappy with a situation and doing NOTHING about it.  That may be the purest definition of insanity in existence. Be brave my friends, make that call, talk to that person, take that never know where it could lead.

On a separate note, 3000 people have read this blog....whoa! I never expected this blog to be anything more than my rants and attempts to be clever, so thank you.  All of you in the Facebook and LinkedIn communities....Thank you for reading my nonsense.

Love you all!


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