If 30 is the new 20.....

Then surely I am merely 21 with 18 years of experience right? I am having a hard time believing that in 3 days I will have a six year old, and in 5 short days I will be 40.....WHAT?! How in the actual hell did this happen?!  The good news is that I MOSTLY don't feel 40.  I do what I can to stay healthy, and I am sure that running after that lil ball of energy doesn't hurt anything.  What do you do to stay young?

I will have 2 announcements the day after my birthday, so you will want to stay tuned, but for today I want to talk to you about something I am trying to learn right now, and that is setting personal boundaries.

I am the queen of "I can do it". Doesn't matter what it is, I am confident that I can do it, and I can do it ALL BY MYSELF.....do I sound like my 6 year old, or what?! I say yes far more than I should, and I offer help, when in all  honesty, I have no business helping.  I want to be available to those I love, but I am learning that there is only so long that you pour air into space.  By this I mean, when you pour from empty, you pour nothing.  So I am learning to take the time to enrich myself, I read each night, I participate in a hobby, and I spend time in meditation and what Bianca Olthoff calls "Jesus Parties", I am pouring into myself so I can pour into others.

Let me tell you what's on my playlist, and my book list, and hopefully it may inspire you to take some purely selfish "me" time, so that you have enough to pour into others:

My Me time Playlist:
Heartbreak: Lady Antebellum
Pure Imagination: Fiona Apple
Space Between: Disney's Descendants 2 (Do not Judge), dang song makes me cry every time
Always Starting Over: If/Then Soundtrack
Heathens: 21 Pilots
They Will: Hillary Scott
Too Much to Think: 311

My Current Book Obsessions:
Rising Strong: Dr. Brene Brown. I will always have one of her books on hand, and I cannot wait to read Braving the Wilderness.

Of Mess and Moxie: Jen Hatmaker. Ya'll this Texan can throw down the words.  I am going to dive in deep into this book.  I can't wait to attend her tour Moxie Matters November 10th.

Craving Connection: 30 day challenge for Real-Life Engagement - (In) courage ministries.  This is my current "Jesus Party" guide.  I  know I have connection issues and I am hoping this will challenge me to engage in community.

That's what I got for you all today.  Please stay tuned on the 20th to hear my 2 announcements, and as always thanks to the 20 of you who read!!


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