Oops I Sure Did Do it Again

You readers who have been with me awhile have read about my epic emotional breakdowns, my "hilarious to everyone but me" calamities and my downright ugly crying failures. I am not good with failure and life transitions, I don't know many who are. And.....So.......again..... I'm entering another transition in life, the true single parent transition complete with the relinquishing of bedtime stories two weeks of the month.  I also coupled this with the failure to submit a suitable proposal to continue the dissertation process. So I did what any rational girl would do....I had a full on cry it out, lose myself in emotion, over analyze to the point of exhaustion breakdown.

I wouldn't say it was the worst breakdown I've ever had, but it was a decent one.  There were a couple of individuals that made this one an easier pill to swallow.  One offered some straight talk that I needed to hear, some advice that I didn't take and most importantly a new perspective.  I woke the next morning a momma on a mission, I devised a new plan for finishing this darn proposal, I resolved that I would not quit on myself, and I got to work on a plan to make myself better.  There are several big goals that I have over the next two years (remember I teased about some big news), and there are several habits I want to instill. Transition allows us to step outside of comfort and regain focus and perspective.  I have been direly in need of both.

Have you ever watched a child about to jump into a pool for the first time? Or, to be more dramatic, a base jumper standing on a precipice looking down below? That fear and anticipation of change (or certain death) can be equated to major life transitions.  In the case of the child and the base jumper, once the fear is conquered, many times  they both find themselves elated.  Not to say that every transition ends in elation, but once fear is overcome, the transition loses the power to evoke pain and anxiety.

Since my move to Colorado, life has seemed to be one major transition after another.  I have been tossed in a sea of breakdowns and rebuilds. Every ebb and flow seems to knock me down and build me up a little more, but I am learning so much about love, grace, self-grace, forgiveness and tenacity.  The only way to learn these lessons is to go through the courses.

I am so excited to unveil a couple of new things next week, and I  hope you will be excited too. I can't wait to tell you what I'm up to.

Love you all.


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