Out with the old

I wasn't at church last Sunday due to a sick kiddo, but I know that our pastor said in so many words to leave the baggage of 2012 in 2012 and concentrate on 2013.  Awesome advice, but very hard to do.  This year will be the year that I try to let go of the past, relationships, friendships, issues, baggage and problems.

It will be my ultimate goal to conciously communicate.  I have noticed that since having my son I communicate superficially.  I no longer remember names the way that I used to, I do not remember conversations that I have with people unless there is something said that I find significant.  That needs to change.  I cannot expect to have meaningful relationships and friendships if I am not really listening.  I found that I try to relay the most information in the shortest amount of time and I never stop to ask questions of anyone else.  I need to slow down and really engage in conversations instead of trying to get them over with as quickly as possible so that I can chase down a toddler.

As for the past. I have lost some people that I held dear in 2012 not through death, but through the death of the relationship. It has become hard to trust and harder still to care for new people.  This is something that I need to let go of and move on from.  I have lasted this long without those relationships, and no matter how much I feel hurt and replace, I realize that I have been able to find happiness with my family and some great new friends.  It's hard to have most of the people I am closest to out of the state, but I am very encouraged to have found some people that I connect with in the state.  Now I just need to make more time for them and for myself.

I wish you all the best in the coming year.  If you are interested in attempting a fitness and health challenge check out my Paleo/WOD blog:

Namaste to all!


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