Gearing up to get back in the game

Well it has been a busy leave of absense for me, but it is time to hit the books again. Next Tuesday I will resume my title of doctoral student....meaning, that I will get even less sleep than I get now!!! YAY!!!!
In all seriousness I am excited to get back to it, it seems as if I have been slacking, ha ha ha.

My little monster gave everyone his cold, which is one of the joys of parenting.  My husband of course spent all day in bed yesterday hamming it up and letting me wait on him hand and foot (this is what husbands do). As a mom and wife we fall naturally into the nurturing role without even noticing, until a week later we are still hacking away, and performing our normal duties, while they are fit as fiddles.  This isn't their fault, it is ours.  We feel the need to take care of everyone except for ourselves.  This has got to stop!! At least for me it does.

We also converted the babies bed into his big boy toddler bed last night.  It took him an hour to fall asleep (not to shabby). At midnight we heard screaming.  I had cracked his door so he could come to our room if he got scared, but in his panic he had pushed it closed.  To make a long story short, Mommy ended up sleeping on the floor, where I have spent more nights of his life than not.

Soooo now I am a nurturing, sleep deprived, sick, and sore mommy who is ready to add school back onto her plate.  WHAT AM I THINKING!?  I wouldn't trade any of it for the world though.  I love my family, love our highs and our lows and in general love my life (even if some think I am negative and downtrodden).  What this momma does need is some time to herself.  I will be making that a soon as I can schedule it in ;)

Have a great week everyone!


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